Frugal Summertime Family Activities You’ll Love

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Here are some fun and inexpensive ways to spend the summer outside as a family or with the rest of the neighborhood! What exactly are you waiting for? Go have some fun!

Frugal Family Fun!

Playground tourism

Every summer, our kids look forward to this exercise. I usually research the top playgrounds in the city online and plan to visit at least one playground per week. The only requirement is that you visit playgrounds you have never visited before.

My kids enjoy snapping photos in each playground as well! Making a photo album of your playground tourist adventures might be entertaining.

Paint Kindness Rocks

Consider this exercise to be spreading compassion while also honing your creativity and experiencing the outdoors.

Gather some flat rocks and paint them with whatever you like – words, hearts, creatures, quotes, whatever you want! The rocks should then be placed back outside for others to locate.

A walking track would be an excellent location for the rocks, and you might as well include the steps as well. You can post a photo of your kindness rocks on social media, along with a hint as to where you can locate them. When someone finds one, it can make their day.

Host A Sidewalk Chalk Challenge

Involve your neighbours! Choose a theme, then have the youngsters in the neighbourhood use chalk to create artwork on their sidewalk. If you like, you can post photographs of the artworks on your community’s Facebook page, along with a poll to determine which one is the best.

Perhaps one of your neighborhood’s companies can donate a little award for the victors, or say each family that enters can pay a small amount (perhaps $1 to $5) for prizes.

This would be a great community activity for your family to get to know your neighbors!

Catch Fireflies

As a city resident, I was probably in my 30s before I saw a firefly in person. It’s a wonderful, beautiful experience. There’s a park in town where they’re very visible, and it’s a lot of pleasure to see them. We’ve never caught any, but just watching them is entertaining. If you wish to catch some, make sure your jar contains air holes and remember to release them once you’re finished!

Visit a Nearby Beach or Lake

If you don’t live near a beach, head to a nearby lake or swimming hole. Don’t forget your water safety tips!


Geocaching is the largest treasure hunt in the world! It is an outdoor experience that takes place all over the world.

A geocache is a concealed item (usually a container containing many additional items) whose coordinates have been put online.

To participate, you must first download the Geocache app and register for a free account. The quest then begins. The game has over three million geocaches and millions of active geocachers.

Geocaches exist in a variety of shapes, sizes, and difficulties, and they can be found in both rural and urban areas. Visit to learn more about geocaching.

Water Balloon Fight

We enjoy water balloon fights! We fill a large plastic tub with water balloons and pursue each other mercilessly. It’s fantastic! If you have some money in your “fun” budget, you can get them for $10—which we use and love! It generates 100 water balloons in seconds and binds them for you! There is no other way to have balloon wars!

Bubble Parade

Form a line with anyone who wants to join in your community and march around the block while blowing bubbles. Everyone brings their own bubble solution as well as a wand. A Bluetooth speaker should be used by one person to play pleasant music.

This will be such a popular with the neighborhood kids (and youngsters at heart) that you should make it an annual event!

Make S’mores

S’mores are a popular summertime treat! And, believe it or not, I didn’t have any until I was in my 30s. What?! We never went camping as a family, and we never planned any!

Camp In The Yard

Backyard camping ideal for you if, like me, you despise packing everything up to go camping. It’s a cheap, enjoyable, and easy way to explore the outdoors while still having all the comforts of home and sleeping beneath the stars.

You only need a tent and sleeping bags. Don’t go out and get a new one if you don’t already have one! For used items, check out Facebook Marketplace or Kijiji.

Go on a Picnic

Pack a picnic and head to a nearby park or even your own backyard. It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate—some sandwiches, fruit, and a large pitcher of lemonade would suffice. Simply throw out a blanket and enjoy some snacks and quality time together outside!

Take Beautiful Photos

There is no need to employ a professional photographer or purchase expensive camera equipment. Your phone will suffice!

The last hour of light before sunset is known as golden hour. This time of day creates warm natural light, which is ideal for outdoor photography. If you have the opportunity, travel to the Rockies, where you will be surrounded by stunning mountain peaks.

Keep the youngsters interested by encouraging them to locate poses they wish to replicate online and allowing them to choose their attire. Bring a Bluetooth speaker, play some entertaining music, and enjoy yourself while snapping shots.

When taking photos, having a selfie stick or a tripod for your phone comes in handy.

Host A Lemonade Party

Did you ever sell lemonade to raise money when you were younger? That sparked the idea for this summer outdoor activity.

Make a lemonade stand with each household and sell a specific lemonade taste. Each participant should have a distinct stand and a distinct flavor to offer. Sales can benefit the winner’s chosen charity.

Go to a Drive-In Movie

Our town has one that offers a double feature for only $8/adult and $6/child. You can’t beat those costs, plus going to a drive-in is so nostalgic. Check Google to see if there are any in your area.

Glow in the Dark Bowling

It’s really easy. Get some glowsticks from the dollar shop. To make the “pins,” fill empty water bottles with a glowstick or two. For the bowling ball, use a hamster ball (also loaded with glow sticks). It’s a lot of fun! Except for the purchase of a hamster ball, it’s also relatively inexpensive.

Frugal Summer Fun Bottom Line

Whew! That’s all there is to it, friends! This summer, here are the best options for free or low-cost family entertainment. What are your favorite free or low-cost family summer activities? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below!

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