Outdoor Activities for A Rainy Day

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I love it when it rains. And I even like to go outside when it rains.

I think of rain as a blessing for our vegetation, and a chance for us to have some fun in a “new” landscape that’s all wet and slippery.

Many of us prefer to stay indoors when it rains, but as you’ll see, there are plenty of things to do outside in the rain. Here are 50 ideas to get you started!

Of course, if there are heavy gusts or electric storms, it is advisable to stay home and observe nature’s tremendous energy via a glass window.

Why Play In The Rain

Getting outside on a wet day with kids is one of the finest things to do! There are numerous learning opportunities and enjoyable ways to play in the rain. Making music, rain art, engaging the senses, exercising large motor and fine motor skills, exploring nature, and so much more are some of the outdoor things we enjoy doing in the rain.

On a rainy day, it’s also a lot of fun to play board games like monopoly, watch a FREE yoga video, fold paper airplanes, design an indoor obstacle course, watch a movie marathon, or make arts and crafts with play-dough. However, we believe that getting outside for AT LEAST 15 MINUTES, even if it’s pouring, is essential.

Ways To Play In The Rain

There is enough to do outside on a rainy day. While indoor rainy day activities for kids are wonderful, children must get outside and move their bodies on a daily basis. When it rains, rainy day activities allow you to come outside and play.

There are numerous enjoyable activities and educational possibilities to be found outside on a wet day. The following list of rainy day play ideas is a fantastic source of screen-free activities for youngsters. Try any of these rainy day activities to get the kids outside and learning while having fun!

Puddle Jump

Bring the kids outside to play in the rain with their favorite pool or bath equipment. Bath toys are enjoyable for children to play with outside on a rainy day.

Catch The Rain

Simple pleasures are sometimes the finest. For this delightful rainy day exercise, invite children to collect raindrops and sprinkles on their tongues. I’ve never met a child who didn’t like catching raindrops with their tongue when playing in the rain! Ask children to count how many raindrops they catch while they’re at it.

Make Boats and Race Them

Another great rainy day STEM activity is building and racing miniature boats. This delightful rainy day pastime for youngsters involves racing leaves or boats down a raging stream or creek—even in overflowing gutters. If you’re looking for a simple popsicle stick boat that kids can create, follow the link. The peg doll on top is adorable but not required.

Touch The Worms

If you see a worm in a puddle, return it to the dirt. Once the rain has stopped and the dirt has dried, rescue the worms by removing them from puddles and from the sidewalk or street and reintroducing them into the moist earth. Only keep worms for as long as necessary to move them. Worms will die if kept for an extended period of time.

Make Mud Pies

On rainy days, children like playing in the dirt. Making mud pies is a great way to have fun with mud on a rainy day. When it rains, the earth softens and becomes easier to dig in. Don’t forget to adorn your mud pies with flowers, leaves, sticks, rocks, and other natural materials.

Make A Dam

To build a dam, use stones, boulders, mud, sandbags, or whatever else you have on hand. Building a dam is an enjoyable and informative STEM exercise for children.

When constructing a dam, take care not to harm the local residents, the natural landscape, or the surrounding ecology. Never close an entire river, and please check that the water is flowing normally before leaving.

Science It Up

Take some time to examine the rain. Take note of everything—the sights, sounds, scents, feel, taste, and so on. Keep a Nature Journal to record your findings.

Use creative storytelling or writing to extend this instructive rainy day concept at home or in the school. When you return inside, ask your children to write or present a tale based on what they learned and experienced in the rain. Ask them to practice expressing themselves using sensory language and feeling terms. This is a fantastic rainy day educational project for homeschoolers!

Measure Rain

Children enjoy counting the amount of rain that has fallen. Measuring rainfall and tracking it over time is a fascinating rainy day STEM activity for kids. How much rain fell in an hour? In a single day? In one week? Or for the entire year?

You may create your own rain gauge by taping a ruler to the inside of a clear plastic cup or mason jar, or you can buy one. Maintain a rain notebook and compare your measurements to those in your local newspaper or favorite weather website.

Take Photos

Another great rainy day activity is to take a waterproof camera for kids outside and capture pictures in the rain. It’s fun to capture pictures of friends and family having fun outside without having to worry about getting your camera wet.

Make Music

Set out pots, pans, bowls, tin foil, or anything else that you think would make a lovely sound when raindrops fall on it. You can even bring out a xylophone if you don’t mind getting it wet. “Tip, tip, tap, tip, tap, ting!” says the rain music.

Alternatively, make your own rain tick out of recycled and naturally derived materials.

Find The Rainbow

On a wet day, if you notice the sun peaking through the clouds, walk outside and turn your back to the sun to search for rainbows in the sky. Or, go on a rainbow quest with the sun behind you, and keep an eye out for a rainbow!

Bottom Line

Rainy day activities do not have to be confined to the home; send the kids outside to play in the rain… There are many enjoyable things to do on a rainy day!

We hope you like these rainy day activities for kids and fun outdoor rain games as much as we do!

When you’ve had your fill of playing in the rain, come inside for a warm bath, some hot tea or chocolate, and a big bowl of popcorn.

Curl up with a soft wool throw blanket, make a fire in the fireplace (if you have one), and relax after a day of fun in the rain.

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