fine motor activites to do outside featured image girl blowing bubbles

Outdoor Activities that Promote Fine Motor Skills

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Fine motor skills are meant to be started working on once you bring your child home from the hospital after birth. Though there are MANY ways to work on these skills, we have listed a few ideas for OUTSIDE, because, why not involve our wonderful world? Here are some outdoor activities that promote fine motor skills!

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What are Fine Motor Skills?

Fine Motor skills are the “movement and coordination of the small muscles of our bodies” – Jonathan Rodil, MS, OTR/L This typically refers to the hands and fingers as opposed to gross motor skills which is the coordination of the large muscles.

Why are Fine Motor Skills Important?

From infancy to elementary school, it is so important for a child to practice fine motor skills. Developing and promoting these skills from a very early age will lead to the child displaying greater independence. Who doesn’t want their child to be more independent in everyday tasks?!

They will be able to use these skills to hold a fork and feed themselves, button their pants after using the bathroom, and zipping their own jacket before they go outside. As they get older, these fine motor skills will help them with their pencil grip, handwriting, cutting, and overall school performance.

The BEST Fine Motor Activities to do OUTSIDE


girl blowing bubbles

Who doesn’t love bubbles? Some find so much peace and calmness in blowing bubbles. To involve fine motor, have the children pop them. It takes focus and hand-eye coordination. It also works on moving individual fingers, called finger isolation. 

Pretend Car washing

Give them a bucket of soapy water, a sponge, and a bike/tricycle and let them have a “car” wash. The practice of squeezing the sponge out works the muscles in their hands and fingers. 

Rock Polishing

This was one of my favorite things to do as a kid. We would go rock hunting and then return to give the rocks a good “polish”. The polish was of course just water and soap, but we thought it made all the difference. After washing them, my siblings and I would try to sell them…the entrepreneur in me displayed at a young age!

Playing in the sand

two kids playing in the sand- outdoor activities that promote fine motor skills

Kids are drawn to sand, for whatever reason. It gets EVERYWHERE and is so hard to clean. But have you ever heard of Kinetic sand? It is amazing. It sticks together, and cleans up so nicely! The manipulation of the sand between the fingers is helping build dexterity and the dumping and sand castle building is helping build strength in their forearms. 

Water Painting

Who’s looking for a clean and affordable outdoor fine motor activity? All you need are a few paintbrushes, a bowl of water, and something to paint! For example, dry concrete is a favorite. Dip your paintbrush into the water bowl, and get creative. Super a clean, yet fun idea! Once the concrete dries, paint again and again. 

Rock Painting

Good ol rock painting is a prime example of some outdoor fine motor fun! After the kids have finished cleaning your rocks (from above), paint them. Holding the paintbrush and making intricate designs is great for your child’s fine motor control and hand-eye coordination.

Looking for more fun ideas to do with rocks?! Check out this post!


kids playing with chalk outside

Everybody loves chalk! The colors seem endless and the ideas are infinite! Hopscotch? Yep! Sight words? Of course! Outlining our bodies, uh yes! Have fun and work on that finger grasping! 

Nature Sensory Bin

Grab an empty bin and fill it with some leaves, pinecones, acorns, and sticks. Let your child’s imagination run wild as they explore the bin. Increase the fine motor opportunities by including tweezers, cups, and spoons for transferring items.

Keep reading for more Sensory Fun Outdoors!

Water Table

kids playing in a water table outside

Similar to the nature sensory bin, but with water! There are many fancy commercialized water tables out there, but it’s unlikely your child will be picky. Any ol’ container will work. Fill it with water, cups, funnels, and other nature items, and let your child explore.

Leaf Rubbing

This is a fun craft that you can do with limited supplies. While you and your child are on a nature walk, collect different types of leaves. Once you return home, grab a white piece of paper and crayons (unwrapped). Place the leaf under the paper and rub the crayon over the leaf to reveal the different outlines! This promotes fine motor skills while your child is rubbing the crayon, picking up the leaves, and holding the paper in place.

Sorting Station

Use your sensory nature bin from above and have your child sort the items. Make it harder by using tweezers or a spoon to sort the nature items. You could also do this on the sidewalk by drawing and labeling different circles with chalk!

Visit the park

children on monkey bars using their fine motor skills

Although at first thought, the park seems to be the place to develop gross motor skills, there are also so many opportunities to practice fine motor skills as well!

From the swings to the monkey bars, and climbing up and down all of the park structures. These activities are helping make their hands stronger, and their balance more coordinated, all while having fun! 

Having children play outside gives them the chance to explore our world and the natural environment all while making activities their own adventure!

What other outdoor fine motor activities would you add to this list?

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