What You Need to Pack For A Day At the Park With Little Ones

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Do you love taking your kids to the park?

I do! It’s one of my favorite ways to spend a day.

Actually we love finding new parks around our city, and sometimes we drive a fair bit just to get to a new place to play.

The problem with park days is that if you’re not prepared, you may have a miserable time.

So how do you avoid having a miserable time?

You pack the right stuff!

What To Bring to the park

Sunscreen / Bug Spray

Sunscreen is my #1 item to add to the bag. If you forget this, then there is not point playing outside – in my opinion. My kids burn to a crisp, and it’s not a pretty recovery, so for us – sunscreen is #1!

Proper Clothing

Dressing for the weather is very important. If it’s rainy outside then rubber boots and a windbreaker are a great idea. If it’s snowing bring your winter boots and puffy jackets. Summer? Bring a hat and shorts / t shirt!

the point is to make sure your child is comfortable in the weather.


My favorite park snack is blueberries. I buy the large packs – wash them up and stick them in the fridge. When it’s time to play I just place the whole container into our backpack and snack is done. Don’t forget to bring water!

Other snack ideas include different fruits such as mandarins, bananas, apples and so on.

You can also dice up cheese and crackers. Just be sure it’s not too hot outside or the cheese will melt and get all yucky.

Prepackaged snacks are also ok such as applesauce pouches, granola bars, and fruit snacks!


I like to bring a picnic blanket with us just in case I have to sit on the grass or a bench that has splinters all over it.

It’s a good idea to bring a blanket because honestly you never know what you’ll encounter…and a blanket can be useful in many situations.

Band-Aids and Basic First Aid

If your child falls or gets a bruise or scratch, a simple first aid pack can save the day. Furthermore, many first aid materials are available in compact travel versions, making them easy to transport in your playground pack. Here are a few items to consider including in your first-aid kit:

  • Gloves to keep your hands clean
  • Bandages with waterproof adhesive
  • Antibiotic cream or spray
  • ice packs
  • Benadryl spray can be used to treat insect bites and other irritating skin conditions.


If you’re going to be out in the sun for the majority of the day, bring your own portable shade, such as a pop-up canopy or even a rain umbrella. It will be a welcome respite from the sun’s scorching rays.


For variety, keep plenty of water on hand and don’t be afraid to mix in some juice for the kids or a sports drink for yourself. I like to bring my cold water in insulated bottles so they stay cold all day long. You can also freeze water bottles overnight and bring them out on a hot day.


I haven’t had a baby in almost two years, but I’d never leave the house without baby wipes. They’re ideal for wiping sweaty faces and dirty hands after playing in the mud and eating a snack. You can also make everyone wipe off before getting in the car (if you drove) to reduce the mess on the way home. You can add hand sanitizer with your wipes as well. We use hand sanitizer before we have snacks if we are out at the park.


It depends on the type of park you’re going, but bringing a baseball or soccer ball is almost always a good idea. I’m a terrible soccer player, but I enjoy kicking a ball back and forth with my sons. It’s also a terrific method for your kids to make friends with other kids who want to play in the park.

Frisbees and basketballs are always a good idea as well.


My kids love music, and so do I! You can attach a portable speaker to your Smartphone or MP3 player and listen to some music. Keep the noise low for just your group and be kind to your park neighbors.


I’m quite sure it’s not only my child who can spend hours racing after bubbles in the backyard, so bring a bottle if you have one. This is a terrific way for older children to entertain smaller children, and everyone is glad to participate.

Water Toys 

If it’s going to be a hot day, bring a fun item to keep everyone cool, such as water balloons, spray guns, or even huge sponges to throw back and forth.

Avoid Bringing These Things To The Park

There is such as thing as bringing too many things to the park with you and here is my list!

  1. Electronics stay home.
    • First and foremost, leave the electronics at home. Not only is it possible for your children to break their iPads and other electronics on the playground, but it would also negate the point of outdoor play for them to be glued to a screen. Encourage them to spend time outside playing and socializing with other children!
  2. Stuffed animals and easy to dirty toys
    • You’re coming to the playground to enjoy the outdoors, so let your child use the existing equipment. This can also help you avoid toy envy with other children and the chance of leaving your child’s favourite item at home.
  3. Play clothes for dress up
    • Wearing inappropriate clothing can make play difficult, especially if children fall over dresses or shoes that leave their delicate toes exposed to be trodden on. Furthermore, long superhero capes or ballerina tutus may become entangled in playground equipment and tear, resulting in an upset child. Make sure your children are dressed in clothes that allow them to move freely and that will readily come clean in the wash if they receive grass or soil stains.
  4. Fashion accessories
    • Detachable accessories such as headbands, necklaces, bracelets, and clip-on earrings should normally be kept at home. These types of items are readily misplaced, which is not how you want to end your day at the playground. On the other hand, if your child remembers to offer you their accessories, it can be difficult to maintain track of them as your children play. Keep a designated spot at home where you can keep your accessories when you leave the house.

Bottom Line

If you love playing at the park with your kids, or just love taking the kids to the park – I hope this post was helpful in helping you pack the essentials for a successful trip the park.

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