Why Kids Should Wear Protective Clothing In The Summer

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Summer is quickly approaching, which means that people will be venturing outside to enjoy the bright and beautiful weather! Sunlight is strong enough in Canada to cause skin cancer, premature ageing of the skin, and eye damage. Skin cancer is the most frequent type of cancer and one of the easiest to avoid.

Did you know that what you wear can make a major difference when it comes to sun protection? Reduce your risk of skin cancer by wearing a sun-protective summer suit.

UV Clothing

Look for gear designed to protect you from UV radiation. The UV protection factor is indicated on the label (UPF). The ability of a cloth to prevent UV rays from passing through and reaching the skin is measured by UPF. The fabrics are categorized according to their UPF. The greater the UPF, like the SPF of a sunscreen, the less UV radiation penetrates the skin and the better the protection. UPF 15 or greater is preferred. Most UV rays are blocked by UPF 50+.


When it comes to hats, larger is better because it provides greater coverage. Many skin malignancies grow on the face and neck, therefore these areas require additional care. Wear a wide-brimmed hat that covers your head, face, ears, and neck. Baseball caps and other types of hats will not provide adequate protection.


Sunglasses are more than simply a fashion statement; they protect your eyes by blocking UV radiation. This is also vital for children! Look for ones that provide both UVA and UVB protection. UV 400 or 100 percent UV protection may be stated on the label.

Woven Knits

Vests, neck shades, towels, headgear, and bandanas, particularly those with built-in replacement ice or cooling packs, may assist keep your body cool. To protect yourself from UV radiation, clothing does not need to be labelled with a UPF. Any clothing that is closely woven inhibits light rays from going through to your skin. When held up to the light, the tighter and closer together the fibres are, the less light can flow through.


One of the most crucial summer essentials is sunscreen! UV rays are absorbed by sunscreen and are not allowed to penetrate the skin. Apply an SPF 30 or higher broad-spectrum sunscreen. Apply a large amount of sunscreen to any skin not covered by clothing and reapply frequently throughout the day. If you’re going to be in the water, be sure your sunscreen is water-resistant as well. Remember to apply sunscreen in addition to, not instead of, shade, clothing, and caps.

Protecting Kids In The Summer Bottom Line

It’s important to care for children’s skin and the best way to do so is to cover up and wear sunscreen. UV rays are damaging and can cause cancer and other skin issues later on in life.

Better safe than sorry!

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